Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to my uploaded data once the DQ-analysis is completed?
Your data and the analysis results will be permanently and completely deleted immediately after DQ-Kit provides the results. The report is also permanently and completely deleted once you close the tab.
What is the required data format?
To generate a data quality report, drag and drop a CSV file containing the dataset. Presently, the CSV file needs to be formatted as follows: • Delimited by semicolons • Using a comma as the decimal separator • No thousands separator • Empty cells for missing data • Ensure that empty cells do not contain any remnant formatting. First-time users can find a demo dataset with the required formatting here.
What is the connection between DQ-Kit and the BonaRes Repository?
DQ Kit provides data quality checks for data authors and re-users at the BonaRes Repository, as well as for independent users. It does not change or auto-upload data to the BonaRes Repository. The downloadable report it generates can be used by the authors to enhance data quality before publication and serve as metadata for datasets published in the BonaRes Repository.
Where is DQ-Kit headed?
Plans for the upcoming releases involve expanding the range of supported data formats and outputs, adding checks for time-series and geodata, providing metadata output, and incorporating plausibility checks for data from soil and agricultural sciences.

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